Friday, February 26, 2010

AAHPM Conference this week

The annual assembly for the AAHPM is this week in Boston, MA. There are a few plugs we wanted to put in for the Pallimed family if you'll be attending.

1) Palliative Themes in Music: An Educational and Self-Care Exercise: Co-Editors Amber Wollesen, Christian Sinclair and myself will be presenting this interactive 1 hour session on using music as a tool in our daily work. Be watching for a post on the day of our talk, Thursday March 4th with the highlights and songs we discussed. For those in Boston, the talk is from 2:45-3:45.

2) This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War by Drew Gilpin Faust. As mentioned in Amber's post here; Christian, Amber and I will also be at the Book Club discussion on this amazing book looking at death during the Civil War. It's on Saturday March 6th from 12:15-1:15pm

3) Finally Friday night March 10th at 7pm will be the 4th annual Pallimed meet and greet. This year we are joining with friends at GeriPal for a combined networking experience. Location yet to be determined, but check back here or find us at the conference for details.

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