Monday, March 17, 2008


Thank you so much for visiting our blog. The Pallimed: Arts & Humanities blog is the second blog in the Pallimed family. As the name implies, our focus is a little different from our sister blog. Our aim is to explore how the arts and humanities influence and are influenced by topics in palliative care.

Our goal is not only to provide enjoyment for you, the readers, but also to have some practical uses in palliative care education, such as use of a movie clips or art in palliative care lectures. We will do this by choosing examples of art, music, cinema, literature, television, theatre or other media with themes related to palliative care (for example: end-of-life, chronic illness, ethics, grief). We will post a commentary about the work and its relationship to palliative medicine (this may be obvious).

Our target audience is anyone in the field of (or with an interest in) palliative care, medicine, the arts, or humanities. While some information may be palliative care specific and assume a familiarity with the field, we hope that those with medical and non-medical backgrounds alike will enjoy our writings.

Who is Pallimed:Arts & Humanities?

Amber Wollesen, MD


Amy Clarkson, MD


What are the arts and humanities?

We realize that art means something different to every person and culture. We generally think of the arts as the products of creative activity. Humanities are defined as "learning or literature concerned with the human culture". I think for the purpose of this blog, we will take a very broad interpretation to the definitions of arts and humanities. Any aspect of the human culture and it's creative activity are potential topics.

How do you choose the topics you write about?

It’s pretty much at random. We write about things that are interesting to us within the scope of this blog (arts and humanities). If you have things that you find interesting and you would like us to write about (or you would like to write about) please contact us.

How often do you post?

Our aim will be to post once per week.

Does Pallimed get referral fees for any of the links?

Pallimed does not get any referral fees for any of the links we provide. We do not participate in commercial advertising and so we do not accept any fees for advertising. We are all doing this on our own time without reimbursement.

What is a Spoiler?

A Spoiler is a line or paragraph that gives away the end or key plot element of a movie. We know that not all of our readers will have seen the movies we review. For that reason, we will hide any spoilers and place an asterisk on either side so you know they're there. We will also warn you when a spoiler is coming. It will look something like this: Warning: Spoiler ahead. Highlight to Read. *Spoiler info here*. Just highlight the text in between the asterisks if you want to know the end of the movie. Or watch the movie first and come back to read what we have to say.

How can I share my opinion?

Feel free to comment on any post. Pallimed has a comment function (at the bottom of each post) that allows you to give us feedback on each post. Just click on the link at the end of each post. We will also entertain guest posts if they fit into our aims.

We understand that the topics we write about are very subjective. You may agree or disagree with our interpretations. We hope you share your views with us.

Comment Disclaimer: Pallimed reserves the right to remove any comments we deem offensive/hateful, mean-spirited, commercial, or in any other way inappropriate.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to let you know how much I appreciate this Arts and Humanities section of Pallimed. As a hospice nurse I recognize how easy it is for us to take our work too seriously. I also encourage the "normalization" of death and dying in our society. It's common, it happens, it's expressed in art. Thank you.


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